02 – Let’s Go, Pal

The Red Rocket

October 24, 2287 – Today was one of those crisp Massachusetts fall days. The reason we moved here. Nora used to call them, “sweater days.” So clear you could see for miles. I didn’t sleep well. Guess I was anxious to get to Concord. My mind was swimming with thoughts of who or what I might find there. I got up just as the sun was rising, and Codsworth cooked me up some Cram and Insta-mash for breakfast before I headed out of Sanctuary Hills. Turns out he had been stockpiling food he scavenged after the bombs fell, just in case we came back. Score one for preservatives. 200 years. Who’d have thought. Codsworth and I said our goodbyes and I headed across the footbridge toward Concord.

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01 – Hello World, I’m Alive

Sanctuary Hills

October 23, 2287 – I’m going to try to remember everything exactly as it happened. I know my mind plays tricks on me sometimes, and it can’t always be trusted. I’m feeling hopeless, thinking I will never be able to find my son in this destroyed world. I saw him get taken away, but I was locked in some cryogenic chamber when it happened and couldn’t get out. They killed my wife. Saw that happen too. Two of them. A man and a woman. When I was finally released, only through the fault of some technical malfunction from what I could tell, everyone else in Vault 111 was dead as well. I took what I could find, which included a pistol, some ammo, and I gathered whatever intel I could from the local terminals. It wasn’t much. Turns out my family was part of some kind of hideous experiment. All of us were. “Long term effects of suspended animation on unaware, human subjects.” Human subjects. That’s all we were to them. 

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